Sunday, October 24, 2010

for your cheers!!!

Beer is the oldest alcholic and third largest consumable drink after water and tea in the world.It is produced by brewing and fermentation of cereal grains mainly is flavoured with hops for bitterness.hops also acts as natural preservative for beer.
beer is the national drink of germany.
the alcholic strength of beer is usually around 4 percent to 6 percent alchol by volume though may range from less than 1 percent to over 20 percent alchol by volume in rare case.

diagram illustrating the process of brewing beer

what do all boxes means in diagram:

hot water tank                   malt

copper          hops          mash tun

                                   hop back

                    heat exchanger


add yeast                       cask

picture of hops

lot of varieties are there for beer
lambic :beer of belgium
stout and porter :dark beer made by roasted barleyand malt
wheat beer :made mainly from wheat
Ale : beer mostly fermented by yeast
Lager :lager is english name for cool fermenting beers of europien origin.The name lager comes from german "lagern" for "to store"as brewers stored beer in cool cellars and cavesduring warm summer months where they continued to ferment.

health related facts
high ethnol content of beer's effect on body can seen in below link
The main active ingredient of beer is alcohol and therefore, the health effects of alcohol apply to beer.a 2005 japanese study found that low alcohol beer may possess strong anti cancer is considered that overeating and lack of muscle tone is the main cause of beer belly.