Thursday, May 10, 2012

Today while reading the blog a thought clicked in my mind and that was about giving a new name to it and so after a lot of consideration i have done it .Firstly I believe most of the topics covered by me here are those which i myself feel about .than as i am just a lay man or a common man like you so the name best suites this blog is The common men vents here I can vents my thoughts which can help in making opinions .

This exercise can also lead to attracting some more readers as the new name is a bit catchy and explain more about the blog .Now also the content of this blog varies from politics to farmer to environment to festivities .A lot  of diversity and colors and the non monotonous nature attracts people to read it .

So welcome here for an experience .


The lesser known cousin of the seven sins.  And indeed, “patience is a virtue” . Our life is a marathon, but whether you define success by recognition, respect, money, power or fame – success is subjective, relative and fluid and boils down to Ambition, Vision, Determination, Execution, Luck and Timing

“I haven’t got a lot of patience”, Jeffrey Katzenberg
It’s not that patience isn’t valued; it’s that no one else is actually all that patient.  Whether you are growing a business or chasing a girl or trying to lose weight or auditioning on American Idol, no one will sit around and wait for results.
Last week I saw a man on a bike flying down the busiest street in our town.  I thought to myself, “you nut, why don’t you use the sidewalk?”  As I passed him I saw that it was a friend of mine and immediately thought “oh, he must be in a hurry, I hope he stays safe on this road”.  Again, a stark example of thinking the worst of someone when we don’t know them, but having great patience when we do.
Some scholars have defined patience as a good human characteristic or a positive psychological attitude, by virtue of which we refrain from doing that which is not good.Which is perfect, Human beings cannot live a proper, healthy life without patience.