Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Salesmen ,Leave your ego at home .

 “can you imagine, while these brands are having a tough time getting customers here, the sales staff at this store tried her best not to sell me these pair of shoes.” My friend once told me ,he told the staff that he wasn’t looking for something that was on Sale. Then the staff once again urges him to try something else and not the pair that he actually liked. Finally as he was ready to walk out of the store without buying anything, the staff reluctantly offers him what was originally wanted.

Similar thing happens here as well, where a big shot wanted the brand to send her a few pieces home so that she could choose what she liked and the brand refused to do it because their “global policy did not allow them to do that.” And then there are many cases like this where attitude replaces professionalism and courtesy that is so required for retail business.Companies need to train these guys on the aspects of luxury so as to make them understand the need to please their customers. If numbers are what they are looking at, and I know that’s what they are looking at, they need to get their acts together and they ought to do that pretty fast.

Shutting shops are black marks on the brands for sure and the funny thing is that they are shutting not because their products are bad. It is because of inefficient people running their brands and below average sales staff with hardly any knowledge of the product manning sales counters. Add to that their ego that they forget to leave behind while coming to work.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Save while you surf

Friends, do you know that using laptops and desktop computers have a lot of diference in terms of energy comsumption ?
According to a rough calculation your laptop's consumption might be "50w x 10 hours a day x 365 days = 182.5 kilowatts ;whereas a desktop's energy or power consumption may be "300s x 10 hours a day x 365 = 1095 kilowatts".

There is a huge difference as you can see and in terms of carbon emissions, the savings by using a laptop are  over half a ton.Switching from a desktop machine to a notebook is a great way to save electricity. However, even with a desktop system there's a lot you can do to green your computer use.

When you're not using your computer for extended periods, switch your computer off at the wall to avoid  power load consumption. Ensure while using your computer, only have your screen as bright as you need it - unneccesarily bright screens will use additional electricity. your power saving/management options are enabled and properly configured.For a screen saver, use a blank (black) screen as animated screen savers are energy suckers. So friends by using these small tips we can contribute to make the enviornment green and clean .

Monday, November 28, 2011

Loner :love living lonely

Janet previously admitted that she has become a “loner” in the house, saying she’s not made any friends with the other hopefuls and even hit out at the lack of “intellectual conversations” with her fellow finalists.
“I’ve always been a loner,” she said. “I’m not interested in making friends or getting people to like me. I’m here for the music and that’s it.”

I too like to spend a lot of time alone. I like to eat out .  I like to go driving at times.  I jog a little here and there.  And while I do a lot of that , I’m just comfortable being in the spaces by myself.Am I a loner ?
It is difficult to be introspective .So what did I think about during those moments of unusual quiet?  At first, there was a flood of thoughts about nothing.It is a depressing time to be a hotelier or even an agriculturist.  But there may be a silver lining tucked away inside this gray cloud.

It turns out we are alone in your desire to be, well, alone. Although an estimated three-quarters of the population are extroverts who thrive in social situations, the rest of us feel best only after we've had time to ourselves.For me  solitude is simply a life strategy. It's their way of coping and dealing with overstimulationWhen it comes to communication, work responsibilities and relationships, loners aren't necessarily losers who fear social functions. Many are married and maintain close relationships with their partners, family and friends; engage in social activities; and even enjoy attending a party once in a while. But idle chitchat and large social functions can be an energy drain for those who crave quiet. They need plenty of “alone time” in order to regroup .

A loner can also become a freak through isolation. Humans learn how to be human through social interaction. And there are many social skills that can only be learnt in person — isolation can lead to a lack of social skills. When you're raised in isolation, you behave differently. Many psychological disorders originate from a deficit in human interaction. Then that person will be shunned. It's kind of a vicious cycle.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Solar Energy

Solar energy is the most readily available source of energy. It does not belong to anybody and is, therefore, free. It is also the most important of the non-conventional sources of energy because it is non-polluting and, therefore, helps in lessening the greenhouse effect.

When we hang out our clothes to dry in the sun, we use the energy of the sun. In the same way, solar panels absorb the energy of the sun to provide heat for cooking and for heating water. Such systems are available in the market and are being used in homes and factories.
In the next few years it is expected that millions of households in the world will be using solar energy as the trends in USA and Japan show. In India too, the Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency and the Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources are formulating a programme to have solar energy in more than a million households in the next few years. However, the people’s initiative is essential if the programme is to be successful.

India is one of the few countries with long days and plenty of sunshine, especially in the Thar desert region. This zone, having abundant solar energy available, is suitable for harnessing solar energy for a number of applications. In areas with similar intensity of solar radiation, solar energy could be easily harnessed. Solar thermal energy is being used in India for heating water for both industrial and domestic purposes. A 140 MW integrated solar power plant is to be set up in Jodhpur but the initial expense incurred is still very high.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

रिटेल बाज़ार में विदेशी निवेश

सुना है किसी बड़े कंपनी के मालिक ने हिंदुस्तान में दुनिया का सबसे महंगा घर बनवाया है. आज़ादी से पहले बुनकरों का काम अंग्रेज़ी सरकार ने छीन कर उन्हें मिल मज़दूर बना दिया था, आज़ादी के बाद भी ये सब कुछ रुका नहीं है. टेलर, सुनार सभी अब अपनी दुकान बंदकर मज़दूर बन गए हैं. ये सेल्फ इंपलॉयमेंट हटा कर इन्हें नौकर बना रहे हैं.सवाल यह नहीं है कि विदेशी खुदरा व्यापारियों के हमारे देश में आने के बाद हमारे दुकानदार बर्बाद हो जाऐगें। सवाल ये है कि इस देश का क्या कोई अपना ढांचा रहेगा.

आम उपभोक्ता को शुरूआत मे वॉलमार्ट का आगमन अच्छा लगेगा परंतु लंबे समय की व्यापारिक रणनीति बनाने वाली कंपनी से ग्राहकों को लंबे समय मे नुकसान होगा. खुदरा बाजार मे प्रत्यक्ष विदेशी मुद्रा निवेश का देश को कुछ अधिक लाभ नही होगा.विदेशी कंपनियों के लिए भारत के दरवाज़े खोलने का मतलब होगा हमारे ग़रीब किसानों की दुर्दशा को और बढ़ाना. देश में रोज़ किसान मर रहे हैं और सरकार ने उनकी ओर से आंखें मूंद रखी हैं, और उस पर विदेशी कंपनियों को यहां बुलाकर जले पर नमक छिड़क रही हैं. सरकार को विदेशी मुद्रा के फेर में ना पड़ते हुए हमारी पारंपरिक खेती को बढ़ावा देना चाहिए जिससे किसानों की हालत सुधरे.

भारत जैसे उभरते बाज़ार पर आज हर किसी की नज़र है. भारतीय रिटेल बाज़ार में विदशी निवेश के दूरगामी दुष्परिणाम होंगे. इससे छोटे दुकानदारों का अस्तित्व ही खतरे में पड़ जायेगा. इसमें प्रतिस्पर्धा को बढ़ावा देने का सवाल ही पैदा नहीं होता क्योंकि प्रतिस्पर्धा तो बराबर वालों से होती है. आज ऐसे ही भारतीय बाजार में विदेशी पकड़ काफी मजबूत है, ऐसे में सरकार को चाहिए था की वह छोटे व्यापारियों को बढ़ावा दे.

जब देश की अर्थव्यवस्था को विदेशी निवेश के बल पर ही चलाना है तो कुछ भी करना ठीक है! देश की जनता केवल वोट देने के लिए है और वह वोट तो देगी ही.जिसे भी वोट देगी,वही करेगा सोचने की बात यह है की पश्चिमी पूंजीवादी अर्थव्यवस्था क्या पश्चिम में सफल रही है? आज बैंको, बड़े कॉरपोरेट कंपनियों और वॉल स्ट्रीट के खिलाफ दुनियाभर में इतने प्रदर्शन क्यों हो रहे हैं?

Friday, November 25, 2011

Howzatt !!!!

One fine day the mobile rang and a booking for two super deluxe rooms were done by the reservation manager cum F&B manager cum FOM of a budget hotel.Suddenly he realize of not asking for any advance but he was sure and marked the name and date in the diary and was again busy in day to day affairs.

Days passed by and the day for when the booking was done arrived at about 5.00 Am a call arrived on the cell phone and the person picked it up the phone .
 The ear piece said "Sir we are at the railway station how to come ,where is the taxi ?
 Answers hotelier  "Shrimaan you can ask an autowala and he will charge Rs 100 .Taxi is not recomendable .
"so we will be at the hotel in half an hour rooms should be ready "instructs the guest.
After half and hour reception area is in action check in formalities are done and room is allotted .Guests settledown and orders for breakfast and start unpacking .All is well !

Suddenly a person from the room comes and says there is a confusion and the hotel is not the same where we were suppose to check in and you even didn't send taxi for the pickup ? Is it the "Rajwara Palace " no sir its not ,replied the hotelboy .And the mess deepens .Guest comes and says we had a booking at RP and there is no booking for us here so you hotel people cheated on us and now we are leaving .The hotelier opened the booking dairy and show the guest the date and his mobile no and instructions for his room which the guest has given at the time of booking .On seeing it the guest requested and said that they had mistakenly arrived at this place whereas they have booked room at a different hotel where they also had a pickup facility and the total amount is also given in advance to the hotel so we have to move there .We mistakenly arrived at your place .

Shall we let him go as it was a mistake ? was it a delibrate attempt and the guest kept both ends open but by mistake he landed up at second option ? was in our mind .........What to do either to charge as the room was booked or let him go ? Please suggest !!!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

सब नंगे हैं.......

हाथ में तिरंगा झंडा लेकर सड़कों पर भारत माता की जय करने में मज़ा बहुत आता है. उस पर भी जब ट्रैफिक वाला न टोके और पुलिस वाला रास्ता दे दे तो क्या कहने ...हाथ में तिरंगा ले लेने से और भारत माता के जयकारे लगाने से कोई ईमानदार नहीं हो जाता. ईमानदारी जीवन में रचने-बसने की चीज़ होती है और ईमानदार का जीवन कठिन होता है.

लंदन के ट्रैफ़ेलगर स्क्वायर का नाम सुना है ना, देखा भी होगा, हिंदी फ़िल्मों में अक्सर दिखता है, दिलवाले दुल्हनिया ले जाएँगे के शुरू में ही अमरीश पुरी वहाँ कबूतरों को चुग्गा डालते दिखाई देते हैं.उसी ट्रैफ़ेलगर स्क्वायर पर इन दिनों एक घड़ी लगी है, उसमें उल्टी गिनती चल रही है, अगले साल होनेवाले ओलंपिक खेलों की .सवाल ये भी उठ रहे हैं कि ये जो दो हफ़्ते की बारात सजेगी उसका आम लोगों को क्या फ़ायदा होगा - क्या नई पीढ़ी में खेल को लेकर नई ऊर्जा जगेगी? क्या पूर्वी लंदन के जिस उपेक्षित इलाक़े में निवेश हो रहा है, उससे वहाँ की तस्वीर बेशक बदल जाए, लोगों की ज़िंदगियों में स्थायी बदलाव आएगा? दिल्ली में तो पिछले साल बड़ा ग़ज़ब का खेल हुआ, खेल के कुछ दिन पहले पुल ज़रूर टूट गया, लेकिन अंत होते-होते जलवा दिखा ही दिया दिल्ली ने !

'हम्माम में सब नंगे हैं', इस मुहावरे के साथ ही अक्सर बहस ख़त्म हो जाती है, कोई दूध का धुला नहीं है इसलिए बहस बंद करके दोबारा हम्माम में डुबकी लगाने को बेहतर समझा जाता है.भारत से अलग बात ये है कि ब्रिटेन की संसद में, प्रेस में और लोगों के बीच बहस अब भी जारी है, बंद नहीं हुई है . उन देशद्रोहियों का कोई खंडन क्यों नहीं करता जो रोज़ रिश्वत लेकर आपका काम करते हैं और देश को नीलाम करते हैं.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Marching towards mark NINE

Nobody then really had any idea,there were few censuses.Leeuwenhoek started with an estimate that around a million people lived in Holland .Using maps and a little spherical geometry,he calculated that the inhabited land area of the planet was 13385 times large as Holland.It was hard to imagine the whole planet being densly populated as Holland which seemed crowded even then.Thus Leeuwenhoek concluded "there couldn't be more than 13.385 million people on earth ;a small number indeed compared with the 150 billion sperm cell of a single codfish.

The number of people does matter,of course.But how people consume resources matters a lot more.Some of us leave much bigger footprints than others.The central challenge for the future of people and the planet is how to raise more of us out of poverty :the slum dwellers in Delhi ,the subsistence farmers in Rwanda,while reducing the impact each of us has on the planet.

The world bank has projected that by 2030 more than a billion people in the developing world will belong to the global  middle class,up from just 400 million in 2005 .That's a good thing.But it will be a hard thing for the planet if those people are eating meat and driving gasoline powered cars at the same rate as now.Its too late to keep the new middle class of 2030 from being born but not too late to change how they and rest of us will produce and consume food and energy .

In 1798 Thomas Malthus ,an English priest and economist stated that population necessarily grow faster than the food supply ,until war ,disease,and famine arrive to reduce the number of people.As it turned out the last plagues enough to put a dent in global population had already happened .

For centuries population pessimists have hurled apocalyptic warnings at the congenial optimists,who believe that humanity will find ways to cope and improve its lot.History has so far favored the optimists,but history is no certain guide to the future.Neither is science.It can't predict the outcome of people vs planet . How many of us there will be and how we will live depend on choices we have yet to make .We may see to it that all children are nourished ,educated to solve problems could change the future significantly.An un check population growth could lead to famine !

Seven billion of us already ,nine billion in 2045.Let's hope that Malthus was right about our ingenuity.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

वो गाव मेरा है

गाव का शांत, स्वच्छ, प्रकृति के नज़दीक जीवन जीने का अवसर तलाशते कई वर्ष बीत गए .हमेशा किसी जरूरी काम मे फसकर शहर नहीं छोड़ पाते है इस बार अचानक सप्ताहांत पर निकल पड़ा | रास्ते मे चाय नाश्ता करते    
हुए पुराने दिनों को याद कर भुआ के बच्चो को न्योता दिया पर सभी व्यस्तता का हवाला दे अगली बार के लिए टाल 
 गए |
शाम ५ बजे गाव के नजदीकी कसबे से मॉस आदि लेकर रवाना हुआ और सूर्यास्त के समय तक पहुच पाया | भला हो
राजीव  जी का जो गाव तक पक्की सड़क बनगई वर्ना सुबह ८ बजे निकल कर रात १० बजे पहुच पाते थे बचपन मे,
गर्मी व् दीवालियो की छुट्टियो मे जब सभी भाई बांध जमा होते थे |मेरे इस छोटे से गाँव का कोई जवान संतरे निम्बू की 
काश्त कर रातो रात 
अमीर होना चाहता है तो कोई मजदूरी करने शेहर को चला गया | यहाँ धुम्रपान  की अधिकता गरीबी लकिन स्वाभिमानी 
ग्रामवासी मेरे अपने होने का अहम् मुझे याद दिलाता है बचपन का हर वह लम्हा जो दाता सा  भाबा सा के साथ यहाँ बिताया |
 |यहाँ के ग्रामीण दुनिया से जुड़े होने का सबूत राजनेतिक चर्चा ओबामा से भवरी तक और उनपर  तल्क्ह टिप्पणिया कर के देते है जिससे 
आनंद की अनुभूति होती है |
 भोजन के पश्च्यात टीवी भला हो डी टी एच का चैनल बदलते हुए कब नींद की आगोश में चला गया पता ही नहीं चला |
बाहर सौर उर्जा जनित लाइट राहों में प्रकाश फैला रही है |यदा कदा मोटरसाईकिल का होर्न सुने पड़ रहा है ...

भोर भये गेयान  के पाछे........सुबह ६ बजे गायो के रंभाने और मंदिर की घंटियों से निद्रा भंग होना सौभाग्य ही प्रतीत 
होता है अन्यथा अलार्म ! कई दिनों पश्च्यात सूर्योदय का आनंद लिया चिडियों की चहचाहट, मोर का नाचना ,
कबूतर की गुटुर्गू असली प्रकृति का आनंद | दूध का प्याला शहद डाल कर अर्दली लाया उसके पश्चात नहाने हेतु 
कूए पर गया |चमड़े के चड़स और बैलो की जगह पम्पसेट व् मशीनों ने लेली आज सिचाई के साधन फव्वारों और ड्रिप 
प्रणाली ने लेली किसान पानी की कीमत समझ गया | सरसौ की पिलाई का वक़्त है ,गेहू बीजने की तय्यारी ..चने 
के पौधे दिखने लगे है खेत मे ..किसान खुश है ,घडी घडी हिसाब लगता है बेटी और उसकी माँ के कंगन के बारे में... 
फिर दुखी मन से उरद  को देखता है घर के कोठार मे पड़ी उरद जिस से दाल मखानी बनती है का भाव बहुत कम 
होने की वजह से बेच नहीं पारहा |जिन किसानो के पास पैसो की किल्लत थी या उधारी थी उन्होंने तो कम पैसो 
मे ही बेच दी पर जो रोक सकते थे वो लेकर बैठे है |सरकार ने गेहू का समर्थन मूल्य बी घटा दिया जिससे मायूसी 
साफ़ दिख रही है |

गाव का किसान आज भी पास से देखने पर लाचार ,बेबस दीखता है पर निराश वो आज भी नहीं है |एक दिन मेहनत
का फल जरूर मिलेगा इसी आस मे गाव आस की डोर थामे है | स्फूर्ति और जोश से फिर दिन की शुरुआत को तय्यार|

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Moral Degradation

 Its more than two months and they are still unaware where and why the lady is ? Shameful  deeds and hunger for power ,lust and wealth lead to such onorous acts .Here a minister's alleged involvement in the nurse's disappearance came up during the questioning of two accused, Baldev Jat and Sohan Lal Vishnoi, who told the Jodhpur police she was abducted at his behest.The whole system fearing to get hold of big man .But suddenly the ball start rolling and a compact disk emerges from nowhere to everywhere from television channels to websites to social networking sites and the talk of the town get geared up.

In a yet another revelation a young politician is accused of harassing and influencing the system to work  unhappy with the attitude of the government the dead lady's father is accusing yet another minister's involvement in subsiding the enquiry of her daughter's death.They say that Jat, the minister ceased the stypand and salary of a husband whose wife didn't obeyed ministers unlawful wish .The daily is shouting !!!

Have the Government lost its moral ? One can blame government for all of society's ills but there is no doubt that economic and social legislation over the past 60 years has had a negative impact on virtue. Individuals as well as politicians lose their moral bearing when they are not held accountable for their actions. The internal moral compass that normally guides individual behavior will no longer function when the state undermines incentives for moral conduct and blurs the distinction between right and wrong.The more government spending is not the
answer to our social, economic, or cultural problems. The task is not to reinvent government or to give politics meaning; the task is to limit government and revitalize civil society.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Watershed Activities :The need of the hour

A drainage basin or a catchment area of a particular stream or river defined by high points and ridge lines ,it simply refers to the area carries water "shed"from the land after rainfall or snow melts.Drop by drop ,water is channeled into soil ,groundwater, creeks , river or stream and eventually the sea water shed may be small consisting of few hectares or huge ,covering thousands of hectares, here the drainage basin acts as a funnel by collecting all the water within the area covered by the basin and channeling it to a single point.

 In a small watershed, the effect of overland flow rather than the effect of channel flow is a dominating factor affecting the peak runoff. Consequently, a small watershed is very sensitive to high intensity rainfall of short duration and to the changes in land use pattern. On larger watersheds, the effect of channel flow or the basin storage effect becomes very pronounced so that such sensitivities are greatly suppressed.

In a rain fed agriculture rural areas, except for a few months ,there are hardly any work opportunities within the village.Hence poor peasants and labourers have to go to towns in search of work.Here wage supported watershed activities can directly help in family welfare ,afforestation and pasture development.Watersheds thus help in generating substantial income ,nursery raising and enhance employment opportunities in horticulture activities and increase soil moisture within three years .Agro based allied income activities like dairy ,goat rearing poultry can encouraged in village and cease decampment toward cities .

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Urea and price hike ?

Urea fertilizer, also known as carbamide, is the most important nitrogenous fertilizer. It is a white crystalline organic chemical compound containing about 46 percent nitrogen. It is a waste product formed naturally by metabolizing protein in humans as well as other mammals, amphibians and some fish. Synthetic urea is produced commercially from ammonia and carbon dioxide. Urea is widely used in the agriculture sector both as a fertilizer and animal feed additive, which makes the production of urea considerably high in comparison to other fertilizers.

Urea was first discovered by a French scientist, named Hillaire Rouelle in 1773. But, synthetic urea was started to produce in 1828, about 55 years after its discovery.Urea has the highest nitrogen content, equal to 46 percent. This percentage is much higher than other nitrogenous fertilizers available in the market.Urea can be used for all types of crops and soils. After its assimilation by plants, urea leaves behind only carbon dioxide in the soil through the interaction of nitrifying bacteria. This carbon dioxide does not harm the soil.Urea is readily blended with monoammonium phosphate or diammonium phosphate. But, urea must not be mixed with any superphosphate unless applied immediately after blending, because urea reacts with superphosphate liberating water molecules. This will produce a damp material that is hard to store and apply.

Presently, urea is decontroled by the Government of India so the price hiked about 25% and a bag which costed 450 to 600 zoomed to 1100 .This is because India is the biggest importer of urea and when Indian agencies go to international market the price in the international market zooms up and the Indian government have to import at a higher price and thus sell it costly .To avoid this situation the government have to make a strategy for buying urea and also the middlemen and corruption element should be removed .If it is possible inflation can be ceased a bit as farmer will sell at a lower price.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Noble For Mother

Four hours after receiving the news that she had been selected for the Rs.1520000 Nobel Peace Prize,Mother Teresa,Calcutta's "living saint",quietly rode a streetcar wearing a Rs.18 white sari with a blue border and headed for the "Writers' building ,the communist state' secretariat.There she humbly sought an interview with the ever busy chief secretary ,the not so busy peons,unaware that they were talking to a Nobel laureate,brusquely ordered her to "come back later".

Towards the evening ,as tickers in newspaper offices of the city brought the Oslo datelined news,the city bent over backwards to pay homage. However,the sense of pride was largely justified.Mother Teresa,with her Slavonic English and broken but crisply colloquial Bengali,belonged to Calcutta.She could not have helped it because perhaps in no other city is poverty so glaring .No other city ,perhaps ,needs Mother Teresa as much as Calcutta does.

"Its the victory for the poor",was all she said with her wrinkled face resting on her gnarled hand.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Baba Amte :"भिती असते तिथे प्रीति नसते"

Born in Wardha ,Maharashtra ,in 1914 a self made man true to the Gandhian ideals,he accepted the life of a labourer instead of being called land lord for 450 acres of land.He might not be a "Baba"of worshiping but certainly "Guru" for future generations.

Moved towards Vinoba Bhave for its Gandhian philosophy during freedom struggle Murlidhar Devdas Amte learned Bengali to comprihend Tagore's "Geetanjali" to understand pain across all languages.In 1942 Baba took Sadhna tai and family at a new place at Anandvan where service was not provided to the leprosy patients but by the leprosy patients to thousands of visitors and guests.

Baba Amte what he was called because of his inspiration to the People of Punjab in terbulent years of 1984 to 1986 and than he stayed with the masses to strengthen them at the banks of Narmada for a decade to selfless help in the fight against foolish Sardarsarovar dam project.

Baba was physically unwell during his later days due to Spondylosis,in 2007 ,he was diagnosed with Leukemia .On 9th February 2008 Baba Amte breathed his last breath and was buried instead of cremated as per his last wish.Opon Amte's death the 14th Dalai Lama said "Amte's demise is a great loss to all of us.I am an admirer of Baba.I vividly remember my visit to his thriving community of handicapped people at Anandvan in 1990".

Baba Amte was awarded with neumores awards and titles Gandhi had conferred on Amte the title Abhayasadhak for his fight against leprosy .Indian government with 
  • Padma Shree, 1971
  • Padma Vibhushan, 1986
  • Gandhi Peace Prize, 1999 and many more by other institutions .

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Dream come true.

Lunar crescent and dusky sky colors this evening from Heisterbacherrott, Germany (where the horizon was not free enough to spot the Venus/Jupiter conjunction).
The duskey sky in the evening stopped to drink in the beautiful skies the sunset had created.Last few months back  a friend and I walked along the edge of a hilltop forest while a wild wind rushed through the trees and I wondered if the whole wood would blow away. And then, just a day later, we walked through a hilly terrene  where the softly falling rain made the earth smell sweet.

The trees stood quiet and still, large droplets splashed to the ground from the leaves or trickled down the bark, darkening the trunks .The beauty of rain ,the isolated patch of our farm near the town with hilly terrane and streams running sideways with huge ,tall,witthered tree trunks around tempt to hug .it’s like entering another world under the dusky evening skys.

The moon and sun both tussling for their space in the space with twinkles awaiting for there glare the roudy clouds with a lightning blade now and than bring my friend closer to me .The cool breeze with tiny droplets and husk around .I always wanted to be a part of it and today it was the dream come true for me .

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Truth and lie !

"Truth always triumphs" the meaning for "Satyamev jayte " which we use to see after almost all the movies ended in the last decayed on doordarshan every Sunday before the 8:45 news .Even in the court scenes there were Satyamev jayte " written behind the judge and even in Ramayana and other epics truth was glorified. We were reminded by our parents to follow it ,saying at last the person who doesn't leave truth and right path leads good life and he is remembered forever.

Now after a decade ,does all those things lost there flair ? as we see almost everyone climbing up the ladder of success through dishonest means .Even the study conducted by University of San Francisco says only 31 people out of 13000 could identify in nearly all cases when someone was lying .People who lie react differently when they lie so there is no set pattern. They can feel afraid, guilt or excitement while lying, it really depends on the person.

So in a age of quick money and using one's shoulder to climb to the top the borderline between telling the truth and lying is something that is hard to come  with even at a young age.The thrill and excitement of telling a lie also sometimes tempt a person to tell a lie for no reason .

Telling a lie and telling a truth both are just telling a sentence but truth has a contentment in it whereas a lie bring a guilt and bad consequences with it so it is only the person who speak and the moment the word or sentence is uttered have the right and responsibility for it .

Friday, November 4, 2011

Oye lucky, lucky oye !

He gets out of his Merc wearing a red sports jacket .The car was parked in the parking area of the hotel with its front facing the gate .He comes out and enquired about room which he wanted to hire for an hour for wash and change .

The rate was quoted and negotiated .An identity proof was asked for and the driving licence was handed over but with in a second it was replaced with voter's card .Than the voter's card of Mr Devendra singh son of Kirpal Singh was scanned thru the scanner and saved with other visitors cards which are mandatory these days after the  Mumbai Blasts .

My wife who was sitting in the lawn watching the whole episode approached me and alerted saying he is Bunty the burglar who was recently seen in a realty show Big boss .I called up one of my friend and asked him to surf about the person and he tipped saying my wife was right .

Meanwhile the so called guest asked for a bottle of mineral water and was looking for his cloths in his car .I went to the car and asked if he was the same person who appeared in Bigg boss and his tone changed saying he was an undercover agent and worked for Interpol he also took out a file and said he wanted to buy some marble and Blah blah blah .He seemed too weired and I was convinced by his behaviour that he was some whom my wife was suspecting so i asked him to pose with me for a photo and he refused saying the Interpol stuff !!!

I thus refused for the room to him but coincidentally was able to scan his identity proof .yet another mistake I anticipated at the right moment because of my better half.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

MGNREGA and Rajasthan

Once nominated as the best state for implementation of MGNREGA, Rajasthan has now gone down the chart in the implementation of the flagship scheme of the UPA government. In fact, the irony is that the state got the laurels for the scheme under the Vasundhara Raje government and its fall has come under a Congress government.He argued that the JCB was not an innocent machine but a precursor to big corporate giants eyeing the NREGA’s vast funds. “Mind you, the minute corporates come in, NREGA goes out,”In Rajasthan alone, an estimated Rs. 9,500 crore were spent on NREGA in 2009, making the programme lucrative for big corporates. If they came in, the NREGA would cease to be a wage employment programme.

Prima facie it all seemed too good to be true. As a hack remarked, the selfless MKSS activists, the earnest Collector, a government that would go the extra mile to facilitate the audit, all recalled a 1970s feel-good Doordarshan documentary more than real-time India with its conflicts and confrontations.Behind the impressive grand finale was a history of struggle for accountability in public spending. In a lot of places, the records had to be wrested from reluctant panchayat officials. There were also showdowns between the sarpanchs and the auditors at many of the jan sunwais held on the penultimate day.The sarpanch-villager collusion worked like this: The sarpanch and his acolytes would hire the JCB machine to cut down time and labour, yet fudge the record books to show full employment and extended periods of work, thus earning huge sums of money for no labour at all. Obviously, the conspiracy excluded the bulk of the workers in whose names the wages were drawn.

 In Taswaria, the village heads insisted on being spared punishment for wrongdoings, unmindful of the presence of Minister Bharat Singh.The social auditors confronted irregularities almost everywhere, and these went well beyond the expected complaints around delayed and stalled payment of wages. Job cards, required by law to be in the beneficiaries’ possession, were routinely withheld by the panchayat staff, resulting in NREGA workers not being able to claim what they earned. NREGA is premised on simple transparency, an example being the use of village walls to display work and payment details so that these become public knowledge. Yet the auditors repeatedly found fake muster rolls, bare walls and misplaced job cards. The material used in construction work was substandard and record books showed inflated figures against usage.

The roadblocks that the  social audit teams faced cannot however detract from the achievements of the exercise, which for the first time ever united two sections conventionally at loggerheads: civil society and government.And obviously the irregularities we witnessed  were nothing compared to the situation  where NREGA was struggling to get off the ground.    Yes, there are irregularities but I would think these form a small proportion of NREGA work. More to the point, through years of struggle we have institutionalised a system of transparency which ensures against big scams.We have shown that given political will, resistance can be beaten down.”

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Utterly Butterly Delicious Story

India has the largest cattle population in the world ,it has overtaken the US and is now the largest producer of milk in the world.The first Amul cooperative was the result of a farmers' meeting in Samarkha (Kaira district, Gujarat) on 4th January 1946 

The vision was to organise farmers, to have them gain control over production, procurement and marketing by entrusting the task of managing these to qualified professionals, thereby eliminating the middle men, the bane in farmers' prosperity.Dr. Verghese Kurien , "The father of the white revolution" in India is credited with architecting Operation Flood , the largest dairy development program in the world. He set up the Anand model of cooperative dairy development, engineered the White Revolution in India, and made India the largest milk producer in the world.

Born on 26th November 1921, Dr.Kurien graduated with Physics from Loyola College, Madras in 1940 and then did B.E.(Mech) from the Madras University. After passing out of the University, he joined the Tata Steel Technical Institute, Jamshedpur from where he graduated in 1946. 
He then went to USA on a government scholarship to do his Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Michigan State University. When he came back to India, he was posted as a Dairy Engineer at the government creamery, Anand, in May 1949.

Around the same time, the infant cooperative dairy, Kaira District Cooperative Milk Producers' Union Limited (KDCMPUL),  now famous as The AMUL Dairy was fighting a battle with the Polson Dairy which was privately owned. Young Kurien, fed up with being at the government creamery which held no challenge, volunteered to help Shri Tribhuvandas Patel, the Chairman of KDCMPUL, to set up a processing plant. This marked the birth of AMUL and the rest is history.Dr. Kurien has since then built this organization into one of the largest and most successful institutions in India. The Amul pattern of cooperatives had been so successful that Dr. Kurien setup NDDB (National Dairy Development Board) to replicate it across India.

Kurien and his team were pioneers in inventing the process of making milk powder and condensed milk from buffalo's milk instead of cow's milk. This was the reason Amul became so successful and competed well against Nestle who only used cow milk to make powder and condensed milk. In India buffalo milk was the main raw material unlike Europe where cow milk is abundant.Kurien, plays a key role in many other organizations, ranging from chairing the Viksit Bharat Foundation, a body set up by the President of India to chairman of the Institute of Rural Management, Anand's (IRMA) Board of Governors in India. Kurien was mentioned by the Ashoka foundation ( as one of the eminent present Day Social Entrepreneurs.

For his contribution to the dairy industry Dr. Kurien has received top awards not only in India but also overseas.
Padmashri (1965)
Padmabhushan (1966)
Krishi Ratna Award (1986) by the President of India.
Ramon Magsaysay Award for Community Leadership (1963)
Wateler Peace Prize Award of Carnegie Foundation (1986)
World Food Prize Award (1989)
International Person of the Year(1993) by the World Dairy Expo, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
Padma Vibhushan (1999)