Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Blood Donation a noble gesture.

Blood donation which is the noblest of noble and greatest of great donation is said to to done when a person voluntarily has blood drawn and used for transfusion or made into medications by a process called fractionation.established supplies are limited and donors usually give blood when family or friends need a transfusion. Many donors donate as an act of charity, but some are paid and in some cases there are incentives other than money such as paid time off from work. Potential donors are evaluated for anything that might make their blood unsafe to use. The screening includes testing for diseases that can be transmitted by a blood transfusion, including HIV and viral hepatitis. The donor is also asked about medical history as he must not have any disease and there should be a gap of 45 to 50 days in between two donations.

 The World health organization gives recommendations for blood donation policies, but in developing countries many of these are not followed. For example, the recommended testing requires laboratory facilities, trained staff, and specialized reagents, all of which may not be available or too expensive in developing countries.An event where donors come to give allogeneic blood is sometimes called a blood drive or a blood donor session. These can occur at a blood bank but they are often set up at a location in the community such as a shopping center, workplace, school, or house of worship.
Blood components have a very short shelf life therefore, acquiring a steady supply or stock piling blood or any of its components is a perennial problem.To circumvent this obstacle, scientist even tried their hand at transfusing blood from other animals to humans but in vain.It appears that only the blood of one human suits another. But there is more to that too as will be discussed in the coming sections.

Globally, there are tragedies happening at magnanimous scale and the demand for blood will escalate.After the September 11 tragedy the need to store blood was discussed with great fervor and the need to keep stock of a steady supply was greatly emphasized. According to 2008 estimates there was an annual collection of 81 million units of blood.

Donating blood is definitely an altruistic noble and noble gesture filling the donor with happiness and contentment.It is an intensely humanitarian act which tides over man made barriers and one of the best ways to express our love and care for our fellow beings. 

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