Saturday, March 26, 2011


The word confidence is the state of mind where a person is certain that his prediction is correct . A person should be confident about all the word or deed he is doing,but self belief is again believing in oneself .
Self confidence now can be stated as one's belief in deeds where he know he can fail, than too ,to attempt the challenge and that feel after all odds he will come out with flying colors .
while confidence in others can be stated as the force or the faith which helps a person to believe in other person.Trust can thus be your confidence .We trust in god ,parents ,children,bosses etc. this is all our confidence in them which is shown by us .
Over confidence can be termed as bias  in which someone's subjective confidence in their judgments is reliably greater than their objective accuracy, especially when confidence is relatively high.
Now we can take an exercise and find out what do we feel about INDIAN cricket team winning the world cup ?


  1. confident.

  2. sir,
    a topic well though of sir, but then there is a saying 'practice what you preach' how confident a person are you to reflect on the entire nation and ambitions of sporting unit? sir my confidence is more of a belief and the zest for success, do we have it? worth pondering over
