Sunday, April 10, 2011

Community Service.....It gives a great feeling

I recently went to the office of an NGO for some business there an idea clicked into my mind about community service. In our school days we were taken to some or other task related to community service like picking the pebbles from the street,making the park free from garbage etc. 
we also had drives for collecting cloths ,books and toys or anything from our locality and take it to school from where the CRY people would come and take the stuff they would sometimes give us cards and other stuff at Diwali or Christmas break and tell us to sell it for the benefit of some underprivileged children who are waiting for it.
It was fun and there we used to learn about harmony and synchronization among our self . it was way of life we used to wait for such activities as it had a thrill in it and of course we got to learn and see the world .I learned how to work in harmony with others and experienced an abnormal feeling of sensitivity ,it was a great feeling to work for the betterment of others .
 I remember once we were taken for a tree plantation drive from school .We were told about it a day prior .every one was thrilled .at about 9:00 Am we reached at a footsteps of a hill about 15 km from our school there we saw some people with about five to seven hundred saplings and small holes digged all over the hill .we finished around 1:00 pm had lot of fun it was like a picnics with a cause.

I still feel that i have done a bit of my contribution to the society at an Early age and now also i always find opportunity and love to contribute to the community by planting trees at road side or donating my old stuff for a cause .Everyone should cultivate such habit of community service at an early age for a better and hormonal atmosphere in our country and world .

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