Sunday, August 7, 2011


"Happy Friendship day" to all you people From childhood days to Chennai days to now a days have a happy friendship day.It is said that from 1935 the first Sunday of August is proclaimed as the friendship day by the United States Congress .Today the commercial world have endorse the event to add a boost to the sales .

Well for me as usual every Sunday starts at 9 am as the hangover of Saturday is to high !  after b'fast a trip to a hangout where cluster of Friends gather as usual  we plan an outing for the day .each one is assigned with a job to be finished in an hour .bottles and packs are loaded and untamed we start our trip which ends near a stream as these are rainy days in this part of the globe.Sunday has transformed into a Funday .On a highway roadside dhaba Samosa and a cup of tea with showers all over some of us exploded the music and transformed that  Dhaba into a disc what a day .

Friends and friends all around the best part about picnics is that it really does help bond us together .For In our school days we neighbours use to picnic at a nearby garden with homemade stuff like pakoras etc it was a good get together exercise .
Leaving from the dhaba we started to the jharna recommended by one of us totally drenched and excited we reached the destination and BLAST the music onn ,took out the packs and the bottles and had snacks and cold drinks while some arranged for firewood and cow dung for the hand made delicacy dalbati churmaa .
With off and on showers the day was great and we friends  had great fun and enjoyed to the fullest till evening and made the Sunday memorable .

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