Saturday, November 5, 2011

Truth and lie !

"Truth always triumphs" the meaning for "Satyamev jayte " which we use to see after almost all the movies ended in the last decayed on doordarshan every Sunday before the 8:45 news .Even in the court scenes there were Satyamev jayte " written behind the judge and even in Ramayana and other epics truth was glorified. We were reminded by our parents to follow it ,saying at last the person who doesn't leave truth and right path leads good life and he is remembered forever.

Now after a decade ,does all those things lost there flair ? as we see almost everyone climbing up the ladder of success through dishonest means .Even the study conducted by University of San Francisco says only 31 people out of 13000 could identify in nearly all cases when someone was lying .People who lie react differently when they lie so there is no set pattern. They can feel afraid, guilt or excitement while lying, it really depends on the person.

So in a age of quick money and using one's shoulder to climb to the top the borderline between telling the truth and lying is something that is hard to come  with even at a young age.The thrill and excitement of telling a lie also sometimes tempt a person to tell a lie for no reason .

Telling a lie and telling a truth both are just telling a sentence but truth has a contentment in it whereas a lie bring a guilt and bad consequences with it so it is only the person who speak and the moment the word or sentence is uttered have the right and responsibility for it .

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