Sunday, November 6, 2011

Dream come true.

Lunar crescent and dusky sky colors this evening from Heisterbacherrott, Germany (where the horizon was not free enough to spot the Venus/Jupiter conjunction).
The duskey sky in the evening stopped to drink in the beautiful skies the sunset had created.Last few months back  a friend and I walked along the edge of a hilltop forest while a wild wind rushed through the trees and I wondered if the whole wood would blow away. And then, just a day later, we walked through a hilly terrene  where the softly falling rain made the earth smell sweet.

The trees stood quiet and still, large droplets splashed to the ground from the leaves or trickled down the bark, darkening the trunks .The beauty of rain ,the isolated patch of our farm near the town with hilly terrane and streams running sideways with huge ,tall,witthered tree trunks around tempt to hug .it’s like entering another world under the dusky evening skys.

The moon and sun both tussling for their space in the space with twinkles awaiting for there glare the roudy clouds with a lightning blade now and than bring my friend closer to me .The cool breeze with tiny droplets and husk around .I always wanted to be a part of it and today it was the dream come true for me .

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